Sabado, Hulyo 12, 2014

#2 Language Learner

                                                   What kind of a language learner am I?
     Well, I’m not that really good in learning language but I do sorts of things that can make me understand and learn language. I read different reading materials like magazines, books filled with stories in it, and newspapers. I usually don’t read dictionaries and encyclopedias because it’s a headache. I just read dictionaries when there are assignments in English about vocabulary words finding its meaning and when I see or read some difficult words in a certain story. I also make essays, scripts for a play and stories when I have free time or when I’m inspired by a thing or a happening on that certain day. When I finished making an essay, I usually go to a certain classmate and teacher who is good in language and present my essay to them if there is anything wrong with the grammar I use or the subject I choose for writing the essay. I accept comments or criticisms from my classmates or teachers because it can help improve my skills in learning the language. Studying also helps me become good in using the language.

In short, I’m a good reader and a little bit good in listening. I’m slow in thinking but I can understand and pronounce the language.


 PRACTICE is the key of learning a language, that's why slow learners like me have to practice to be good at it.

1 komento:

  1. Yeah! Believe in yourself that practice makes perfect. but its not impossible haha.. I'm different with you cheilvey..
